Privacy Policy, (hereinafter “HotelTick”) with registered office at Urbanização Caldeira do Moinho Rua do Moleiro Lote nº5 Loja A, 8500 - 454 Portimão, Portugal; holder of the VAT number 510 554 806, is committed to the protection of the privacy of your personal data (hereinafter “data”) and, therefore, undertakes to process and ensure the security of such data in accordance with the personal data protection legislation in force, and in particular with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, General Data Protection Regulation – “GDPR”. This Privacy Policy aims to make known how HotelTick treats your data and your rights as a data subject.

Any data that you make available to HotelTick will be understood as obtained, processed and transmitted in strict observance and in full compliance with the requirements established in the GDPR and legislation in force.

Data Protection Officer and Data Protection Officer

In accordance with the provisions of the GDPR, HotelTick acts as the entity responsible for the processing of your data. For any clarification related to this Privacy Policy or the treatment of your data, you can contact HotelTick through:


Address: Urbanização Caldeira do Moinho Rua do Moleiro Lote nº5 Loja A, 8500 - 454 Portimão, Portugal

Email: [email protected]

Type of Personal Data, Purposes and Grounds of Treatment

This policy covers HotelTick's online and offline data collection activities, including data it collects through various channels, such as brand websites, agencies and events/fairs in which HotelTick participates.

HotelTick collects and processes your data for a set of purposes:

Reservation or Purchase of Services

There is a set of data that have necessarily to be collected, so that HotelTick can organize and provide the requested service (including sending the booking confirmation and travel documents), as well as to manage any claims related to the reservation or purchase of services, such as name, date of birth, identification document data, address, number of loyalty cards, mobile or telephone number, e-mail address, data relating to travel preferences, data regarding interests, motive and travel details, claim, special occasions and special requests. The basis for collecting these data is the management of the contractual relationship and the legitimate interest of HotelTick.

Obtaining a Visa

HotelTick may need to collect certain types of data requested by the issuing entities, strictly necessary for the issuance, such as passport data, vaccines and criminal record data to comply with legal obligations of certain destination countries. The basis for collecting this data is the fulfillment of a legal obligation.

Conducting Satisfaction Surveys

In order to assess your level of satisfaction with the services provided, HotelTick may send you quality inquiries. Customers are not obligated to respond to these quality surveys, which aim to collect opinions about the services provided, with the aim of improving/developing them. The basis of treatment of this data is HotelTick's legitimate interest in continuously improving the quality of its services.

Management and Administration

The data collected so that HotelTick can comply with their accounting/tax and legal and administrative obligations typically include your name, address and Tax Identification Number. The basis for the processing of this data is the fulfillment of a legal obligation and the legitimate interest of HotelTick in managing the relationship with the client.

Commercial and Promotional Communications

HotelTick collects data such as name, telephone or mobile number and e-mail address, so that it can provide information about services that may be of interest to you (for example, marketing communications or campaigns and promotions), collecting your consent when necessary. At any time, you may object to the processing of your data for these purposes, as stipulated in the paragraph below “Exercise Your Rights”. The basis for processing this data is the legitimate interest of HotelTick or, when requested, your consent.

Management of Hobbies or Promotional Events

The data collected so that HotelTick can consider and manage your participation in a given hobby or promotional event are generally the name, address, mobile or telephone and e-mail address. For more information about the competitions and other promotions, you can consult the regulations or terms and conditions included in each giveaway/promotion. The basis for the treatment of your data is your consent.

Management of the “Tours & Hotels” Program

HotelTick offers complete programs of travel, so that people can participate in competitions and sporting events, which include, in particular, transport services, accommodation and access to events, your personal data being processed in particular for the sending of budgets, management of participant registrations in Tours HotelTick and in competitions and sporting events held or promoted by third parties or by HotelTick itself, including the organization of travel and provision of services requested, based on the performance of the contractual relationship with us and our legitimate interest. Your data will also be processed to let you know news, promotions, campaigns and other opportunities which, while participant, may benefit, based on our legitimate interest or your consent, if you are not already our customer.

Transfer of Personal Data

Within the scope of your reservation and/or purchase, HotelTick may assign its data to:

Service providers (such as airlines, hotels, rent-a-car companies, operators, insurance companies), so that they use for the purpose of correctly providing each service requested (in this case, the data will only be used for that specific purpose) and for compliance with the legislation of the countries of destination;

To government authorities (e.g. immigration, border control, public security and security and combating terrorism).

Within the scope of merger, acquisition and/or incorporation processes in which you are involved, when such transfer is necessary within the scope of HotelTick's legitimate interests or third parties to whom the data is communicated. The treatment of your personal data may also be carried out by service providers, who act on behalf of HotelTick, namely marketing and of digital and social media, accounting management services, auditors and lawyers, external entities that provide us with technological services, such as providers of computer platforms, hosting services, maintenance and support of our databases.

International Data Transfers

Depending on the destination you travel to, HotelTick may need to transfer your data to service providers, inside or outside the European Union (provided that such transfer is essential for the execution/provision of the service). Any transfer of personal data to a third country will only be carried out within the framework of compliance with legal obligations or provided that compliance with applicable Community and national legal standards is guaranteed in that matter.

Minors Data

Data from minors is collected and processed with consent from parents or a legal guardian. In relation to this data, the parents or the legal guardian can exercise the rights that the GDPR grants to holders of data.

Period of Retention of Personal Data

Your data is kept by HotelTick for the period strictly necessary to fulfill the aforementioned purposes, except where there are conservation obligations imposed by applicable law, or legitimate interest, that require the maintenance of your personal data for a longer period.

Personal Data Security Measures

HotelTick uses adequate security measures to protect your data, including appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect it against abusive or unlawful treatment and against its loss, damage or destruction accidental. The data is processed by employees of HotelTick or by the entities authorized service providers, only accessing data strictly necessary, depending on the specific purposes for which the data were collected.

Exercise of Your Rights

As the data subject, you can exercise the following rights, within the limits legally settled down:

Access to personal data: When submitting a request for access, you will be provided with access and details of personal data processed by HotelTick.

Rectification of personal data: If your personal data is incomplete or incorrect, you can request their correction.

Right to be forgotten: By exercising your right to be forgotten, HotelTick will, if applicable, erase your personal data.

Personal data portability: When requesting the portability of your personal data, you will receive, in a machine-readable format, the personal data that you have provided and that are processed on the basis of your consent or the performance of a contract.

Opposition to the processing of personal data: For reasons related to your particular situation, you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data by HotelTick carried out on the basis of legitimate interest or in relation to direct marketing.

Withdrawal of consent to treatment: If you withdraw your consent, HotelTick will withdraw your consent from the activity that specify.

The exercise of these rights depends on a written request (including a copy of a document proving the customer's identity and mention of the right or rights you wish to exercise), to be sent in one of the following ways:

Mail: HotelTick, Urbanização Caldeira do Moinho Rua do Moleiro Lote nº5 Loja A, 8500 - 454 Portimão, Portugal

Email: [email protected]

In person: at one of the HotelTick counters, by filling in a form

After submitting the request with the necessary information, HotelTick will respond within one to two months, taking into account the complexity and number of orders.

Control Authority

If you believe there is a problem with the way HotelTick is processing your data, you have the right to file a complaint with the national supervisory authority (National Data Protection Commission – CNPD) at

Information on the Use of Cookies

Consult our Cookies Policy, on our websites, to find out how you can manage your cookie settings and for detailed information about cookies that HotelTick uses, as well as the purposes of its use. For more information about the Cookies Policy, please click here.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

HotelTick reserves the right, at any time, to proceed with modifications or updates to this Privacy Policy, these being duly updated changes on our platforms and websites. Check regularly to verify any updates or changes to this policy.